What kind of Dog is the beagle ?

Originally the beagle is a hound being from Great Britain. Although the beagle is regarded as classically British, it has its ancestors in France anyway from whom it was cultivated in England. The beagle belongs to the oldest of the hounds. The traces of this breed of dog can historically be pursued up to the 15th century. The beagle could take hold in Germany only since 1970. In its phenotype of today the original purpose of the beagle, common with others can be been on the trace, still read considerably for the rabbit. But his always good mood, its straightforwardness in dealing with other dogs, animals and particularly with little children, is in the foreground of his nature. The beagle is very suitable for families with children. It is regarded as a robust and kind family dog. Further characteristics are its self-assurance, its vitality, like also its determination. In addition, he is attentive, intelligent and of a balanced nature.

Venatrix von Helvesiek, our first bitch.

General appearance Is the beagle of a firm, compact stature what it conveys the impression of collected strength through what, however, lets it seem under no circumstances rough. Said briefly: It is an athlete of a noble physique. Typically of a beagle, the relative shortness of the catch, the neck and the runs just like the elegance of the outline lines which first conveys the impression of nobility is.
Fur. The fur of the beagle is short, thick and weatherproof. The beagle has all colours known to hounds, though. The fur colouring of a beagle can be for tricolour (threechromatic) or bichromatic. There are three variations of the bichromatic. A brown/white the so-called Tan White, besides that there is still red and white (red/white) and Lemon and White (lemon curd yellow). The bichromatic beagle is at least just as attractively as threechromatic dogs. Because there are unlimited possibilities in the colour distribution also. White-wash dog up to which except for smallest coloured places completely for example from the dog with the closed "belly", i.e. head, neck and backs, flanks, shoulders and thigh, are coloured throughout. The brown shade of the fur already changes into copper-red about, the correct name is that way one talk and White.
Rod. The rod of a beagle is strong and of standard length. It is set highly and conveys a funny frölichen impression. The rod is not rolled over the back or carried to the front inclinedly, however. A beautiful rod is insisted well particularly at the underside. It is important that the rod top is always white. Size and weight The beagle should not be bigger than 41 cm more smally as 33 cm and not, measured by the ground up to the counter-instep. The weight of a fully-grown beagle can be ten to eighteen kilograms and will have to go by size and type of the dog always. Since the beagle likes to eat, it is important to pay attention to its weight and not to give way to a still so sweet "begging view" either.

Ufke von Helvesiek from our cultivation.

The head.The beagle has a moderately long head in which the head of a male is firmer than this bitch. It is, ideal if it about the so-called "Stop" disposes, i.e. the forehead sales must be minted considerably. The nose is preferably black, a brighter nose is also permitted at bichromatic Beagels, though. The eyes of the beagle have a deep brown or hazelnut colours. They are rather tall and of mild, kind expression. Its curtains are long, they almost reach drawn to the front the tip of the nose . One describes the teeth of the beagle as scissor teeth, i.e. the upper incisors touch the outer area of the lower incisors at closed teeth.