What is a Rhodesian Ridgeback ?

Fatoka, Father of our cultivation bitch .

Der Rhodesian RidgebackThe Rhodesian Ridgeback is from southern Africa and therefore is the only breed of dog, this one is common for us from this area. Originally it was cultivated for the lion hunting, what has to be read from its phenotype of today still. The traces of the Ridgebacks can historically be pursued up to the 16th century even up to the late 15th century. One learned travelling of the existence of the breed of dog which stood out due to the unmistakable Ridge (hair stripe on the back) from reports Portuguese then already in 1480. The report meant that these dogs were the only domestic animals of the South African natives (Hottentots). Characteristically it further was so, these animals are particularly faithful and useable because they functioned as a kind of sheepdog. It was your task to protect the herds of cattle of the Hottentots from predatory big cats. You tracked down the lions and impeded at this break them off until the hunter was to the place and could shoot the lion.
The ancestors of today's Rhodesian Ridgebacks were then crossed with dogs brought along from Europe over the years. A South African dog which had staying power similarly as the Hottentots dogs arose more greatly only around something in the middle of the 19th century. These dogs were usually monochrome and red and an essential feature was the Ridge which many of these dogs had. The dogs were used by white settlers for the hunting and guardian on their farms in Southafrika. But, at that time, there was not a "breeding" of these dogs yet. Since the settlers were not keen on the beauty of their dog but on their use suitability, the appearance and the character did not develop by cultivation but by a selection, during the "lion hunting" this one happened. Because who was not agile enough to protect oneself from the attacks of a lion became a victim of the natural selection. Only who was agile enough is said this that is did not survive too greatly and too heavily. So only the dogs which survived at the hunting increased in the long run. The animal it still is said to the hunting that it was not the task of the dog to kill the lions but the dog should only as long as put till on the spot was the hunter, though. A great sensation produced the qualities of the Ridgebacks as a hound for it to about the limits of South Africa. In the late 19th century the first Ridgebacks reached Rhodesian (Zimbabwe) of the farmers from South Africa and big game hunter Cornelius van Royen was enthusiastic about the hunting abilities of these dogs and used them even for the hunting. Van Royen tacked the Ridgeback then with mastiff like dogs, Bloodhounds and pointers and different hounds. Its hunting abilities the former should make the first-class but small dog a little bigger and the the latter should still a little improve. The Ridge behaved dominantly in the bequeathing, many descendants of these matings showed a Ridge. The dogs won bigger and bigger popularity as Lion-Dogs or van Royen-Dogs . Every case claimed the "cultivation" always became größer. Primarily these dogs which has formed the origin for today's Rhodesian Ridgeback cultivation to have many hunters also such dogs now there. The first right and scheduled cultivation led kennel name was 1915 of Francis Richard Barnes in SW-Rhodesian.His kennel name was : Eskdale.1922 also became the "Rhodesian Ridgeback club" established by Barnes. In addition, was the race Rhodesian Ridgeback 1922 one of the first standard for dog races after that one of the Dalmatian .1924, appreciated by the South African Kennel union. To Europe or Grossbritanien came the Ridgeback 1928. in Germany became the first throw with a protected descent in 1974 registers.The cultivator was and my mother is Mrs Anne Müller from Helvesiek under the kennel name "Umvuma".

The nature of the Rhodesian Ridgeback
The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a very intelligent and raised dog which is restrained opposite foreign parts. It does not show any symptoms of aggressiveness or shyness, however. Connected, that is a family dog are very much the Ridgeback with the family because it does not storm him in bulk and welcomed on every stranger like an old friend.
The RR is equipped with a high sales resistance. One can look up, he is a one man dog this is correct only in so far as he chooses a darling, however, also accepts all other members of the family? It can have slept for hours to then rage around with much agility, speed and lightning speed of reaction outside. The Rhodesian Ridgeback has grown over only with two years. It is physically a late ripe dog as also spiritual. In the cage the Ridgeback would become lonely there it is a conversable dog. Its character would change , it would get shy and vicious. Since it is a very sensitive and intelligent friend, it is not absolutely a cage dog! It urgently needs the proximity of the family, so human contact. He is then a faithful and loving partner at a loving treatment who will love and protect you. The Rhodesian Ridgeback is very sensitive and person-related , fond of children and very teachable. If you avoid unreasonable hardness and are consistent, it can be trained easily. If one treats the RR unreasonably hard, one destroys it spiritually. It is to make well again because the best instructor does not get a bad Ridgeback fully into the balance again rare. Many not experts in this race think around the first year of life he is anxious, he is, however, however, merely really careful for it and stabilizes himself until second year of life. One accuses the RR of a sixth sense of dangers since he reacts to atmospheres very sensitively. It also needed sixth meaning this so-callaed to survive in the bush. It is one dependable watchdog, simultaneous but also absolutely no barker, absolutely! One is seen everywhere with pleasure with it since a restrained, quiet and uncomplicated companion is away him such as in hotels etc.